If you’re an internet marketer, then chances are that you will probably work from home much of the time. Working as an internet marketer of course means that you will be working on the internet. In turn, that means you’ll have the freedom to work wherever you want and whenever you want – which are great positives and two of the reasons that so many people are attracted to this kind of work in the first place.
But this can cause problems too. One such problem is loneliness. Without a team to work with and without an office to work in, you can find yourself working alone most of the time and sometimes even going whole days without speaking to anyone! So how can you feel a little less lonely and prevent this from being a serious limiting factor?
Visiting Friends
One solution to help you feel a little less lonely is to visit friends more. In particular, consider visiting friends on your lunchbreak. Seeing as you’re free to move around as you work, you could suggest meeting a friend at their place of work on their lunchbreak one day and that way you get to catch up and chat with someone who you actually like. This is far superior to being forced to lunch with people in your office who you may or may not get on with…
Work With Clients in Person
Working as a digital marketer doesn’t have to mean finding clients online and communicating solely by email. You can likewise meet people to work with in cafes, or by going into work places and asking the people that work their if they happen to need any help with their presence online.
When you find clients to work with in person, this changes the relationship and can be very good for getting more recurring work. What’s more, it gives you the opportunity to chat to people and enjoy working as a team.
Find Others Like You
Internet marketing is relatively novel as a job still but it’s not completely unheard of. In fact, you might well know someone who works online and if you don’t, how about convincing them to? It certainly has perks and you can show them that first hand!
But if you don’t know anyone else who works online or is willing to, another option is to look for work groups or work spaces. There are many offices that you can rent and share with other companies and individuals, or failing that, you can try meeting others in cafes to work together. Just try advertising online or in the local paper to see if you can find other people who are nearby!
Another option is to find people to work with who don’t work online. Many people work from home a few days a week and there’s nothing to stop you working in the same place as long as you both promise not to distract one another.
All these methods mean you can enjoy an active social life and work online!