3D ONLINE VR ( Integration Read )
Turn 3D Animation into an Online Interactive Experience
The WEBGL Showcase
Imagine a world where you can walk through a 3D Film
as your own personal experience?
This is what we were tasked to dream and make reality.
This is the future of a medium that is going to evolve beyond the television set.

TNZScreen was founded to create opportunities between New Zealand & Taiwan.
The directors got selected to start a Spotlight Projects
and we helped have a Launch Conference with VIPs
from Auckland City Council, Asian Foundation, and film associations, etc.
The Day of the Launch
The Video of the Launch Conference
Tana's Adventures
It's a Taiwanese Pilot Film Production about the connection
between Taiwan and New Zealand Ancestors.
Cristina Caseres is the Creator of this IP.
Project Launch Brief
The IP as created 10 years ago, and now we are pushing this forward.
Storyboard Drawing
Our team worked with Director to come up with the Storyboard.
The Challenges
We got talents from New Zealand, Taiwan, and other countries.
Working together with limited time and resources wasn't a breeze.
But as long as we determined to go through, we will make it happen.
3D Online Virtual Reality
Our team also helped to produce the Online VR Interactive Experience.
The Showcase
Thanks for all the VIP, supporters and partners
who have been helping is this production.
This is just a beginning, and we are moving forward to
connect more opportunities and share excitements in future.

The Presentation
We created a Web Page for the Producer to present in News Conference.

More Showcase
When you scroll down, you can see the Online VR produced by our team.

Snap Shots
A few Sneak Picks form the Artworks.
For us we created an online 3D Interactive Experience
that would best represent the film production.

Wulai Scene
This scene carries the most data with
presenting the characters and special effect.

Taiwan Monkey
This 3D Monkey model was an interesting experiment.